Welcome to The Autism Translator. The name refers to my initial career as a medical translator and indicates that I ’translate’ between people with and without autism.

I am Anouschka Schutte (1971), a certified expert-by-experience on autism spectrum disorders. At 40, after several burn-outs, I was diagnosed with autism. (Well, actually, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, but I prefer to say autism) It was an explanation for why life had always been a bit of a struggle. Growing up, I always eventually achieved what I wanted, but it took me more effort and time than most others. When the diagnosis came, it was as if I was given a manual on how to live an easier, less complicated life.

Several years on, I have learned an awful lot about myself. I have learned about autism in general and how someone with autism can make life more fun and less difficult. I want to share this knowledge with others. I can explain to people with autism why certain things they do or say are perceived differently by the outside world, and I can inform the outside world about why people with autism do certain things and how they should be interpreted.

If you are looking for individual coaching or autism-related support in a professional setting, please contact me.